As a thank-you for purchasing my product, please find below the download links to download my meditation albums for FREE! ($19.99 value)
Please also sign up below to receive my FREE guide: “The 7 blocks that prevent you from living your dream life and how to overcome them to achieve more freedom, wealth and fulfillment.”
Remember – Here’s What You’ll Get From These Meditations:
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- A morning meditation that will help you to start your day right! Do this meditation when you’re still in your bed and set yourself up for success! (Length: 13:57 minutes)
- An evening meditation to close your day. The last thing you think about at night you bring with you into your dreams and you wake up with as well. This meditation will help you to relax, let go of any negative emotions so you can have a good night’s sleep and wake up with an abundant feeling! (Length: 15:28 minutes)
- Hypnotherapy for creating wealth and abundance. This track is designed to help you see and filter your world differently. Listen to this track regularly to spot more opportunities and feel more and more abundant throughout your life! (Length: 16:08 minutes)
Morning Meditation
“Morning Meditation” from Meditations for Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity by Bart Milatz. Released: 2015.
Evening Meditation
“Evening Meditation” from Meditations for Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity by Bart Milatz. Released: 2015.
“Hypnotherapy for Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity” from Meditations for Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity by Bart Milatz. Released: 2015.
Thai Meditation
“Meditation for Manifesting Abundance & Prosperity (Thai)” from Meditations for Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity (Thai) by Bart Milatz. Released: 2015.
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